By Michael Regenstreif
Welcome to what we refer to as “the Passover edition” of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin. Not because it’s the issue that comes out during Passover – that will be the next issue, which we’ll send to the printer before the first seder night – but because it’s the last issue that comes out before Passover. As it’s the Passover edition, we’ve included a number of feature articles that deal with the holiday – or, at least, holiday food. For some reason, the JTA Passover features this year were mostly food-oriented. As well, several of our columnists have focussed on Passover themes.
Passover has always been my favourite of all the Jewish holidays. It’s not the food – although I do actually like matzo – or even the enduring seder rituals that make this my favourite Jewish holiday; it’s because I find the Passover message of freedom from slavery and oppression to be so inspirational.
During Passover, we remember the slavery endured by the ancient Israelites in Egypt and celebrate their struggle for freedom and the exodus from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. The Passover Haggadah reminds us that we, like everyone in every generation in the thousands of years since the exodus, must view ourselves as personally moving to freedom from the bondage of slavery.
The remarkable thing about the message of every generation having this personal vision of the exodus from Egypt is that the tradition almost seems to be telling us explicitly to apply the Passover message to our own time.
Jews are not the only people to be inspired and galvanized by the Passover message. When African American slaves in the United States were struggling for their freedom from slavery, just 150 years ago, they took inspiration from the biblical story of the Jewish escape from slavery. The code name of Harriet Tubman, the leader of the Underground Railroad that helped slaves escape from slavery in the American South to freedom in Canada, was “Moses.” The code name for Canada was “the promised land.”
Today, thousands of years after Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, oppression and slavery still exist in our world. As Jews, we remember the six million murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust, but we also remember that the Nazis turned millions of Jews, including so many who were murdered, into slave labourers. That was in the 20th century, just decades ago.
It’s estimated that there are 27 million slaves in today’s world. Clearly, the journey from slavery, begun by Moses, continues in our own time.
IAW resolution fails in Parliament
Last issue, I commented on the rare show of unanimity in the Ontario Legislature when MPPs passed a resolution condemning Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW). That same unanimity was not to be found, March 11, when two resolutions in the House of Commons were defeated for lack of unanimous consent. Conservative MP Tim Uppal proposed a motion in the House that condemned IAW for seeking to delegitimize the State of Israel with the “apartheid” label and voiced ongoing support for a two-state solution; and Bloc Québécois MP Claude DeBellefeuille proposed a motion that denounced both the “apartheid” label for Israel and the labelling of critics of Israel as “antisemitic,” and that also expressed support for the right of both Israel and the Palestinians to their own states.
Because the resolutions needed unanimous voice votes in order to pass, Hansard doesn’t tell us how many MPs voted against either of these motions, only that they did not pass. However, I was forwarded an email that NDP MP Libby Davies sent to IAW supporters saying she voted against both resolutions.
Happy Passover
On behalf of the staff, advisory committee and contributing columnists and reporters at the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, I extend our best wishes to all for a joyous and happy Passover. Chag Sameach.