Friday, April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020: Observations from these strange days

By Michael Regenstreif

 Just over six weeks ago, on Thursday, March 12, I left the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin office at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre (SJCC), knowing I’d be working from home the next day but hoping I’d be back on my desk at the beginning of the following week.

The SJCC was closing temporarily because of suspicion that a member who had been at the centre had been exposed to COVID-19. The person was being tested and we expected to return to the office quickly if the person did not have the virus. And while that person’s test was negative, by that Monday, March 16, everything had changed – virtually everywhere.

Schools, most businesses, libraries, community centres and houses of worship – any place where people normally gather – all closed their doors that week. All cultural and sporting events were postponed or cancelled and everyone was asked to remain at home as much as possible and to observe physical distancing from other people in an attempt to “flatten the curve” of the spread of this novel coronavirus.

I expect it will still be some time before life begins to return to normal – or to whatever will be the “new normal.”

And while it has been inspiring to see our community come together in solidarity to take care of each other while remaining physically distant (documented in numerous Bulletin stories and columns), the loss of our way of life – even if temporary – has been difficult.

For me, it has been hard not being able to zip into Montreal for regular visits with my mother (who turns 92 next month) – although we talk daily on the phone. This Passover was the first time that we weren’t together as a family on seder nights.

But much more difficult has been witnessing the staggering loss of life to COVID-19 – here in Ottawa, across the country and around the world. It became personal when three people I knew in the U.S. died from it. Much closer to home, Norma Moscovitz, the mother of my friend and fellow Bulletin columnist Jason Moscovitz, was one of numerous residents of the Maimonides Geriatric Centre, the largest historically-Jewish long-term care home in Montreal, who died from COVID-19 this week. To Jason and his family, and to all families who have lost loved ones to this pandemic, I send my deepest condolences – and know that I speak for virtually all Bulletin readers in doing so.

Long-term homes have been particularly hard-hit by COVID-19 with more than half the deaths in Ontario and Quebec, and in may other locations, occurring in such centres. Thankfully, there have not been cases at Hillel Lodge, the Jewish community’s long-term care home in Ottawa. Strict measures, introduced early on at the Lodge, seem to have kept the disease at bay there.

The COVID-19 crisis and the economic uncertainty that came with it has taken a heavy toll on so many enterprises and Jewish community newspapers – struggling to remain viable in the digital age – have not been immune. As I announced in my previous column, the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin has had to temporarily suspend our print edition until we can return to some semblance of normal activity. We continue, though, to use our website as a forum for columns and news reports. Please visit the site regularly for new content or follow us on Facebook or Twitter for updates and links when new content is posted.

Although we are maintaining our online presence and plan to return in print as soon as possible, the Canadian Jewish News (CJN), which had editions serving Toronto and Montreal, Canada’s two largest Jewish communities, was not so lucky.Elizabeth Wolfe,

“Unfortunately, we too have become a victim of COVID-19,” wrote Elizabeth Wolfe, president of the CJN board,” in an announcement online on April 2 (and published in its final edition, April 9). “Already struggling, we are not able to sustain the enterprise in an environment of almost complete economic shut down. It is with deep sadness that we announce the closure of our beloved CJN, both in print and online.”

This was actually the second time the CJN has announced it was shutting down. The paper previously announced its closure in 2013, but found a way to restructure and move forward following an outcry from the community. But while the paper was able to hang on for almost seven more years, “The CJN suffered from a pre-existing condition and has been felled by COVID-19,” wrote Wolfe.

While I started in journalism as a music critic at the Montreal Gazette, my career in Jewish community journalism began as a freelance CJN reporter and feature writer in Montreal about 30 years ago. Even after moving to Ottawa to work at the Bulletin, I remained a weekly reader of the Montreal edition – and an occasional reader of the Toronto edition as well. So, my connection to the paper runs deep and as both a reader and a Jewish community journalist, it pains me greatly to see Canada’s two largest Jewish communities be without a newspaper.

I’ve seen some speculation from several writers connected to the CJN that “a new CJN” may be launched in the months ahead – perhaps as an online publication. I hope that’s the case. Jewish community newspapers have a long and rich tradition – the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, for example has been serving our community for almost 83 years – and are vital to our communities.

As we continue to navigate through this pandemic and these strange days, please stay safe and stay well.

Shabbat Shalom.

Monday, April 6, 2020

April 6, 2020: Ottawa Jewish Bulletin to temporarily suspend print edition

By Michael Regenstreif

Paraphrasing the beginning of the Four Questions in the Haggadah, we all might be asking, “Ma nishtanah ha-Pesach ha-zeh, mi-kol ha-Pesachim – Why is this Passover different from all other Passovers?”

The answer, as everyone knows, is the COVID-19 pandemic which has gripped the entire planet sending virtually all of us into social-distancing mode and, for many of us, some degree of self-isolation, for weeks now.

The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, of course, has been affected. With our office at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre (SJCC) closed since March 13, this Passover edition of the paper was produced under difficult circumstances with everyone working from our homes – sharing files electronically as we received submissions, wrote and edited the paper, collected the ads, did the layout and proofreading, made corrections, had online meetings, etc., all without any direct in-person contact. Much of that would have been impossible not that many years ago before we had highspeed internet connections with sufficient bandwidth to handle the load.

You will, no doubt, also notice that this Passover edition of the Bulletin is much smaller than in years past. The size of the paper always reflects the number of ads that are generated and this spring so many of the events that would normally be advertised are just not taking place, and most of the retail businesses that might have advertised are temporarily closed. As well, many of the organizations that would have normally used the opportunity of the Passover edition to submit articles about their spring activities did not submit such articles, or asked us to withdraw them, because their plans have been put on hold or cancelled.

All of this leads me to announce that we are regretfully suspending the scheduled print editions of the Bulletin until we are back in our office at the SJCC and the community begins to return to normal activity. All subscriptions will be extended for however many issues we are unable to publish.

However, while the print edition is suspended, we will continue to post articles and columns on the Bulletin website and will continue to report on important community initiatives. Many of our columnists will continue to submit their columns on a regular – perhaps even more than regular – basis.

We also welcome your letters, guest columns and articles to share with the community. We particularly welcome articles that will tell the community about how organizations, groups, families and individuals, friends and neighbours, are rising to the occasion of these circumstances. Already, in this edition of the Bulletin, we’ve published some of those stories about how we and our agencies – although practicing safe social-distancing – have been coming together as a community to help each other, and, especially the vulnerable among us, during the COVID-19 pandemic; and of how classes and discussions, and even some prayer services, are taking place online. I’ve no doubt there will be more stories to tell in the weeks ahead.

It’s ironic, I suppose, that this year as we observe Passover, a holiday that celebrates freedom, we are adhering to needed measures that restrict our freedom to gather and celebrate as we are used to doing, and as we would like to be doing. Congregations cannot hold their usual communal seders. Friends and extended families cannot gather together for seders as they normally would. For the first time since we moved to Ottawa, my wife Sylvie and I are unable to return to gather around my mother’s table in Montreal on the seder nights. Most of us will spend the seder nights with just those in our immediate households. This will be difficult for all of us – but especially difficult for the many among us who live alone.

While we might talk with physically distant family and friends on the phone, and using apps like Zoom, Skype, Messenger or FaceTime, or keep in touch over Facebook, the holiday this year, just won’t be the same.

But while me must keep our physical distance from each other right now, we also know that great challenges can also bring us closer together in our communal solidarity – and we’ve already seen so much evidence of that.


Meanwhile, some commentators in Israel are pointing to needed stability during the COVID-19 crisis for Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz finally – after three inconclusive elections in less than a year – seeming to agree to form a unity government in Israel.

As I write, on March 27, the negotiations are still ongoing but reports are that Netanyahu will remain Israeli prime minister for the next 18 months and then hand the office over to Gantz. (Of course, anyone following Israeli politics knows that no deal is done until it’s really done – and even then, you can’t always be sure it will hold from one day to the next.)

It appears, though, that Gantz is paying a price for his pact with Netanyahu as the Blue and White factions led by his now-former allies Yair Lapid and Moshe Ya’alon will sit in the opposition benches in the Knesset.

Bear in mind, nothing is simple in Israeli politics and a big what-if are the three corruption indictments facing Netanyahu. The prime minister had done all that he could to avoid going to trial on the charges and was scheduled to be in court last month to finally face them. However, his trial had to be postponed due to COVID-19.